2023年6月1日 星期四

【第十一屆】111學年度靜思語與我的生命故事徵文比賽_佳作_公衛碩二_Avwerosuoghene Onobrakpeya

 By Avwerosuoghene Onobrakpeya

‘Nurture the habit of giving and our world will become vast’ – Master Cheng Yen

Every day, as I turn the corner to take the stairs to my room on the second floor of the women's dorm, I see these words, in a framed picture, hung on the wall. These words catapult me home, and they are a reminder of all I learned and watched as I grew up.

‘Kindness’, ‘giving unselfishly’, these words and actions are not foreign to me as I was brought up by kind people with large hearts. My parents did not need to tell me to be kind, I saw it in every action of theirs, in the way they treated those around them. I saw how they gave unselfishly. Even when we had little, it was never too little to share. A giving heart, a caring heart, this is what I have known.

And now every day, as I see these words in my dorm, I am always reminded of those who are important to me, I am reminded of my father who housed so many people even when our house was small. I am reminded of my mother who shares to all around her, who is a mother to even those not related to her by blood.

I have come to learn that giving goes beyond money or things of monetary value. Giving also encompasses giving your time, your attention, your support, a listening ear, a shoulder to lean on, flashing smile, a compliment, a ‘it is going to be okay’, a ‘加油’, being a friend, a confidante. I try to always do all these, to give and be present.

When I joined the ‘國際難民學生英語交換學伴服務學習 Service Learning: Language Exchange Partners for Refugee Students in Turkey’ course last year, I had lots of hopes, One of them was to become a big sister to the students I would get to work with and become someone they know they can always rely on even though we are miles apart. I am so glad I have been able to do that.

This Jing Si Aphorism is a daily reminder to me and as I walk past it every time, I smile because I know very well how important it is for us to have giving hearts, to share and to show love. I have met so many people with large hearts in Taiwan and I have been touched by their beautiful, giving spirits.

I know that without a doubt, our world opens up when we choose to share selflessly.

Every day, I am inspired to become a better version of myself, to become a better me than the day before, to give more, to those around me, and to those far from me! This Aphorism inspires me, the people in my life inspire me.

