2024年6月6日 星期四

【第十二屆】112學年度靜思語與我的生命故事徵文比賽_佳作_永續所一年級_Johnathan See Wern Haw

Doing good and being filial are two things that cannot be put off

The beginning of the end started with an audible click; the locks engage onboard the hearse. There we were dressed in white, myself included as we said our last goodbye. The time had come to send it off. Thus, upon the pavement we walked on our soles. Though the asphalt was set ablaze, we paid it no mind – our hearts and minds set on the long walk ahead.

        The date was February the 18th, 2024. My flight for Taiwan departs by 1400hrs but I had not boarded. The day marked the end of my grandfather’s funeral service, and there we were for the sealing of his casket. What laid ahead was the long walk to the crematorium. The night before I had a breakdown, I could not decide on what to do. I had sent out an email notifying my university but I had received a reply wishing for my immediate return to participate in a training programme. On one hand, my flight was scheduled on the following day, the semester starting by the 19th; on the other, my grandfather’s funeral was at its end and cremation due the next day. I was at my wits end, I spoke my mind before my parents and sister ‘I cannot leave now, this is my own grandfather’s funeral’, I said, ‘but I have not the funds to afford another flight and my programme back in Taiwan has expressed for my return’. Deep within me two sides were at war, one side fought to stay, and the other to leave.

        It was then when my mother reminded me, in as soft a tone as an autumn breeze: “my dear child, doing good and being filial are two things that cannot be put off. Surely you know what to do…” At that instant, it was as if the fog had lifted from my mind. Every memory I had with my grandfather came back to me as if they were re-lived that very moment. Ever since my enrolment into University, I had been in Taiwan. For nearly five long years I have not seen my family, and to think just as I finally had the chance to it would be to see the passing of my grandfather. I had been blinded by a mere reply! I understood then what I must do, knowing now within me had I not chosen to stay that night, my conscience would haunt me for the rest of my life – never to forgive myself for my unfilial and selfish act.

