2022年4月14日 星期四

【第十屆】110學年度靜思語與我的生命故事徵文比賽_佳作_醫技系二年級_黃慧莉_The values of true happiness in life.

     I used to have a thought that money can buy everything and acquire every single object in this

world. I admitted that there were some reasons why I had such a fixed mindset like this. I grew

up in an economic hardships family. I witnessed how hard my parents work to endeavor our

family daily expenses and allowance. My parents and I had never lived in a proper house. In

every dining reunion with friends and colleagues, a lot of people would underestimate my family

existence just because of the financial aspects. No matter how diligent we worked hard for better

days in our life, there would always be someone who looked down on us. This made us become

more and more idolized every single penny that we owned.

     We thought that money could buy prestige, self-esteem and life values. However, turned out

everything that we assumed was wrong. Master Cheng Yen once stated in the Jing Si Aphorism

that “擁有物質而心靈空虛,是富中之貧。懂得物質之外,用真誠的愛,真摯的情去付出,

才是富中之富” (One who has material wealth but an empty soul is the “poor” amongst the

“rich”. To give with sincere love and affection is the “richest” among the “rich”). Our family was

indeed amazed with this statement. It progressively changed our fixed mindset into growth

mindset that we shouldn’t have a huge possessive with money and materials related. Apparently,

happiness isn’t always comes from money. We can live our best life if we aren’t focusing on

what we have, but on what we can give to those who in needs.

     We used to think that the more money we save, the richer we can be in the future. However, the

insights from the Jing Si Aphorism had opened our wisdom that the true wealth comes from our

heart and deeds not from the amount of materials that we owned. By donating and giving our

sincerity to those who in needs will reap the greatest harvest in life.

     Starting from that day, no matter how difficult our financial condition, we always try our best to

help other people who needs our assistance. Types of assistance that we can offer doesn’t always

have to be in the form of money, but it may also be in the form of empathy, compassion and

affection. As what matter most in this life is the value and merit of the positive soul that we can

vibrate to the people around us.

     After practicing “take less and give more” in our family daily life, we realized that the happiness

that we are looking for is not longer come from fortune and wealth, but turns out it comes from

the smile draws in the face of people that we had helped.

     美滿的人生,不在物質,權勢,名利及地位,而在人與人之間的關愛與情誼 ( A fulfilling

life is not preoccupied with material objects, prestige, or power. It is a life that is filled with true

friendships, sharing, and caring for each other ) – Jing Si Aphorism.

