2022年4月14日 星期四

【第十屆】110學年度靜思語與我的生命故事徵文比賽_佳作_傳播所一年級_馬健智_Jing Si Aphorism and me

     One day I receive a strange gift from a Tzu Chi volunteer. I was in Nepal and it wastime of Nepal earthquake, Tzu Chi had arrived Nepal for help. I was already involved with Tzu Chi volunteer activities. The gift was a small handbook of Jing Si Aphorisms. It was the first time someone gave me a book as the gift. So I felt very strange to receive it. Remembering the event now I think that it was the most thoughtful gift I have received. I am grateful that I was introduced to Jing Si Aphorisms. From then, I started to read those Aphorisms. I don’t know yet which is the most impactful aphorism in my life but I can tell that in every point of my life I have been able to find deep meaning in the Aphorism.

   Sometimes I get disturbed by the materialistic world and wonder why I am not able to rise up, I feel pity on myself. At the time Jing Si Aphorism liberate me, “The most ordinary person has the most blessings.” I think about it and it reminds me that I am blessed. Every trouble and success in my life has led me to the right path in one way or another. Each of them were necessary for me. It seems that every day of my life is so ordinary, but whenever I turn back and look at my past I realize that everything I did or happened to me are very significant. Every small event mattered and nothing was in vain.

   I used to think that I cannot help anyone during hard times because I was just an ordinary boy. When I met Tzu Chi I started volunteering with Tzu Chi, I did what I could do. I did very normal tasks like visiting the victim family, helping in food distribution. Now when I remember those days, I think those works were extra ordinary. I am able to love and be compassionate because of my those experiences during the Nepal earthquake. I feel blessed that I could be a better person with all those experiences which were once just another ordinary day for me.

   The world needs constant love, care and healing and we are enough to deliver it.

   Many people think that it takes a hero to save this world. We often forget to look at ourself and find own role in solving that problem. It does not take ideal Buddha to make this world a beautiful place. It's us who make it so. We do it while performing our daily tasks sincerely making love and respect the most ordinary feeling among ourselves. I remember the Jing Si Aphorism, “To love and to be loved are blessings.” Its love that bind us all together and we feel blessed when we are loved and are able to love back.

   Even after all these knowledge sometimes I fall into the pit of negative thoughts and emotions. I experienced the negative feeling of loneliness, valueless, incompatible and isolation after coming to Taiwan. It is my first time living outside my country far away from family. But now I do not fear these feelings, because I know that it's common to have these feelings in foreign country and most importantly it is temporary and curable. So I join clubs, events, talk to people, make friends and remember my purpose to be in Taiwan. I take support of Jing Si Aphorisms that I learned. In this situation I remember the Jing Si Aphorism, “A frown and a smile are both possible. Why not smile?”

