2019年4月30日 星期二

【第七屆】107學年度靜思語與我的生命故事徵文比賽_精選_MBHG department_KAMESHWARA KUMAR DHARINI_Let us appreciate, be grateful for, and repay the love of our parents

Let us appreciate, be grateful for, and repay the love of our parents
This aphorism is one of my favorites and I would like to share my experience and thoughts of this aphorism through this platform. To the life that I have now I have a great responsibility to thank many people. They are the reason for me being who I am now without them I would have been nothing. The first person who I would like to thank is my grandparents who are my first parents to take care of me. My parents had to leave my hometown for work they left me to my grandparents and they took care of me from the childhood I was very much attached to them than my parents. They spent their time looking after me, taking me to school, making food for me, telling bed time stories and getting me whatever I want. Few years later I had to return to my parents for my high school and lot of things changed. My grandma fell sick
And my grandpa had to take care of her so he left his job. I was busy with my school and college that I didn’t have proper time to talk to them, spend time with them but in the time I had I used to go and meet. I wanted to do lot of things for them but I didn’t know that they didn’t have enough time. The time when I thought that will do everything for them came now but they are not there with me. This taught me a lesson that if you want to appreciate and be grateful for something to someone do it then and there. I am very lucky to have loving and caring parents. They have sacrificed a lot to push me through this stage. I have never seen them sit simply even during holidays they work really hard to put me in a good school and give me standard education. They sent me to a good college and always stood beside me in all the things that I do and they have been my support in everything. The love that they have for me unaccountable. I was always their first priority. They always say that we cannot give you any ancestral or my properties like lands or jewelers or houses but all that we could give you is education and you should not be dependent on others.  I want to prove my gratefulness and respect by being independent. I personally feel that repaying the love and the kindness that they showed for me is my duty and I believe that everyone should feel that way. In India I have seen many old age homes where the son and daughters leave their parents and pay money to take care of them. They don’t think of how much sacrifices the parents have done for them. Paying money for their stay and getting them food is not the sort of repaying they expect and they don’t deserve that sort of treatment too. Every single person should understand this, if they do there will be no old age homes or unhappy parents.

