2022年4月15日 星期五


    在視訊會議室另一頭的年輕黑膚色男子向我發問:Teacher,can you tell me more about Tzu Chi?

   Tzu Chi?」我重複他的話,尾音提高,腦中快速思考著。莫三比克與台灣相距一萬公里遠,我該如何向東非國家人民介紹慈濟呢?






【第十屆】110學年度靜思語與我的生命故事徵文比賽_第二名_醫技二_蔡佩玲_If there’s a will, there’s a way.

    Every story always starts with a beginning. But not every life story begins with wonderful start

point. However, every individual definitely has the unlimited chance to change their fate with

their own persistence and perseverance. 2017 was the most challenging yet unforgettable year in

my life. It’s a turning point, in which the happiness and laughter from the little family of mine

just disappeared in a flash.

    At that time, I had just come home from school and about wanted to eat my first bite lunchbox

prepared by my mother. However, I was shocked when I saw my mother suddenly shedding tears

and crying desperately in front of me. I had no courage at all to even ask “why”. By intuition, I

had already known that there should be something wrong that happened to my mother. She tried

so hard to tell me with a trembling voice that she was diagnosed with a severe illness,

tuberculosis disease that attacked almost half part of her lungs.

    That statement was indeed like a boom to my head and I really didn’t know how to be strong

enough to face this situation. I have no strength at all. However, the only thing that crossed my

mind was ; I need to encourage my mother that this too shall pass. I need to be strong enough so

that I could replace her role in this family to take care all of the households since I was the only

girl in the family after my mother.

    Fortunately, My mother and I have known Tzu Chi ( Master Cheng Yen ) for a very long time.

Back in Indonesia, we watched a lot of Master’s Dharma Talk from DaAi TV Channel every day.

My mother was diligently absorbed all of the positive words and inspiration from Master Cheng

Yen. The most powerful insights of Jing Si Aphorism that really encouraged my mother to have

a spirit and beliefs to cure her disease was :

    “人生就像走在鋼索般,如果不認真往前看卻一直往後看,一定會跌下去。 有毅力、勇敢,

坎坷的道路也能走到平坦” – Jingsi Aphorism.

    “Life is like walking on a tightrope. We are sure to fall if we keep looking back instead of

focusing on what is ahead. As long as we face it with perseverance and courage, the roughest

roads can become smooth.”

    This powerful quote from Jing Si Aphorism let my mother became stronger to face and fight the

severe illness for exactly 1 year. I watched the transformation towards my mother’s physical

appearance. She became thinner day by day. It hurt me a lot. However, by looking at her

persistence and perseverance in fighting for her disease, made me really proud of herself.

Eventually, she was cured from the deadly disease after one year of regular treatments and

praying for hopes and miracles.

    It was a learning experience for our family. No matter what challenges might occur to us in the

future, we need to hold each other hands tightly and have a belief in ourselves that we can face

the difficult times. We need to have a commitment that better days will come to those who have

a faith in themselves. This is also the reason of why I would love to study in Tzu Chi University

and pursue my major in Laboratory Medicine, because I wish I could enlighten and help more

people that need my hand.







2022年4月14日 星期四

【第十屆】110學年度靜思語與我的生命故事徵文比賽_傳播系一年級_Marithel Valiente_Jing Si Aphorism and me

     Is there any more love that could replace of a parent's love?

   Our mother carry us from their womb in nine months, endure all the pain, molded us from infant until we grew. Those blood and sweat of sacrifice to promise us good tomorrow~ these are just some of many reason-to put in our head- that no one can replace our parents love.Master Cheng Yen said, " There are two things in life that cannot wait; fulfilling filial piety and doing good deeds to others." Every time I hear this Jing Si Aphorism remind me of the past, the past of being an ungrateful child.

   Way back when I was still in my elementary days , I always disobey mom. Whenever I heard her lecturing  me I automatically turn back and walked away, stamping my feet of anger. I don't like to listen with her. I never feel guilty. Sometimes I saw her crying, but I will just ignore her.  We often fight because I'm really hard-headed. Until one day because of my sutility mama had driven me away. But I didn't listen, I kept insisting my own decisions. Sometimes my mom didn't know I skipped classes, hang out with my friends and go anywhere. My mom thought I was all the way from school.

   Until one day I met Tzu Chi. I was encouraged to join Tzu Chi by the influence of young people in our village. I saw them volunteering, helping the sick and old in our village. This act of kindness urged me to join Tzu Chi. And that was the start of everything, everyday we have 3 o’clock prayer, listens to Master talk and sharing after of our thoughts and learning of volunteering . My heart felt with so much love and gratitude. Because of Tzu Chi I started to build good relationship with others, help other people in need. I can’t express the joy inside my heart every time I see the beautiful smile of people we help. I never thought in this small act of kindness I can already make them smile. I’m so happy to extend my compassion specially to those old people in our village, as time goes by I already feel the spirit of Tzu Chi, the spirit of great love. The love of helping others with sincerity and without expecting in return.

   Last but not the least I learn is value parent’s love. Listening everyday to Master’s talk taught me not to harbor anger toward my parents, and should be a grateful one. To pour our love to them while they are still in our sides. Because our parent is the first person who helped us during our hard times.

   One day, Tzu Chi invited us to join Buddha Day and also to celebrate Mother's. That was my first ever participation of the said event and also the most unforgettable moment I had - because on the same day I first said I love you to my mom. I cried of so much joy and love. I can’t express how happy I was that moment and seeing my mom tear’s of joy melt my heart.

   I wholeheartedly regretted all the things I did to her especially of talking back to her, for always disobeying her and for all of my disrespectful manner.  I always put this in my mind now, “from the very beginning of everything of my existent in this world, it's my parent who always take care of me.” I can’t live in this world without them, I should repay them of forever love and gratefulness. Specially to my mom who did all the hardship of raising me without husband. I’m very grateful to have her in my life, to be her daughter. And too bless because that it's not too late for me to learn and repent all sins . I am grateful to Master Cheng Yen for leading me this path of life for teaching me to be a good person. Every time, and every moment of my life, I just bear in mind Master Chen Yen's Aphorism, to lead me to the right direction of life and to be a better person of my present and future life.

   Infinite Life, Infinite Blessing, Infinite Wisdom. Amitofo

【第十屆】110學年度靜思語與我的生命故事徵文比賽_佳作_傳播所一年級_馬健智_Jing Si Aphorism and me

     One day I receive a strange gift from a Tzu Chi volunteer. I was in Nepal and it wastime of Nepal earthquake, Tzu Chi had arrived Nepal for help. I was already involved with Tzu Chi volunteer activities. The gift was a small handbook of Jing Si Aphorisms. It was the first time someone gave me a book as the gift. So I felt very strange to receive it. Remembering the event now I think that it was the most thoughtful gift I have received. I am grateful that I was introduced to Jing Si Aphorisms. From then, I started to read those Aphorisms. I don’t know yet which is the most impactful aphorism in my life but I can tell that in every point of my life I have been able to find deep meaning in the Aphorism.

   Sometimes I get disturbed by the materialistic world and wonder why I am not able to rise up, I feel pity on myself. At the time Jing Si Aphorism liberate me, “The most ordinary person has the most blessings.” I think about it and it reminds me that I am blessed. Every trouble and success in my life has led me to the right path in one way or another. Each of them were necessary for me. It seems that every day of my life is so ordinary, but whenever I turn back and look at my past I realize that everything I did or happened to me are very significant. Every small event mattered and nothing was in vain.

   I used to think that I cannot help anyone during hard times because I was just an ordinary boy. When I met Tzu Chi I started volunteering with Tzu Chi, I did what I could do. I did very normal tasks like visiting the victim family, helping in food distribution. Now when I remember those days, I think those works were extra ordinary. I am able to love and be compassionate because of my those experiences during the Nepal earthquake. I feel blessed that I could be a better person with all those experiences which were once just another ordinary day for me.

   The world needs constant love, care and healing and we are enough to deliver it.

   Many people think that it takes a hero to save this world. We often forget to look at ourself and find own role in solving that problem. It does not take ideal Buddha to make this world a beautiful place. It's us who make it so. We do it while performing our daily tasks sincerely making love and respect the most ordinary feeling among ourselves. I remember the Jing Si Aphorism, “To love and to be loved are blessings.” Its love that bind us all together and we feel blessed when we are loved and are able to love back.

   Even after all these knowledge sometimes I fall into the pit of negative thoughts and emotions. I experienced the negative feeling of loneliness, valueless, incompatible and isolation after coming to Taiwan. It is my first time living outside my country far away from family. But now I do not fear these feelings, because I know that it's common to have these feelings in foreign country and most importantly it is temporary and curable. So I join clubs, events, talk to people, make friends and remember my purpose to be in Taiwan. I take support of Jing Si Aphorisms that I learned. In this situation I remember the Jing Si Aphorism, “A frown and a smile are both possible. Why not smile?”

【第十屆】110學年度靜思語與我的生命故事徵文比賽_佳作_醫技系一年級_Jonathan Wijaya_The Art Of Being Present

     One could always look down on words. True, words are mouthless, but only if you are willing to try to understand, will you then realise how loud they could speak to your heart. Steven Furtick once said that “Your perspective will either become your prison or your passport;” I never realised mine was a prison until this one moment. It was an early Tuesday morning. Having only slept for a few hours, going to class was the last thing I wanted. The long walk from the dormitory got me feeling guilty for being unproductive the day before. This was followed by a ray of anxious thought as the mid-term exam is coming closer. My mind was a mess, it got me tired and unmotivated. Before class, I decided to go to the toilet. Medical simulation centre, 1st floor. There it was, glued on the toilet wall, one of Master’s aphorisms. It says “Practice mindfulness in your daily life. A mind free of wandering thoughts develops inner strength.” This aphorism slapped me conscious.

     It seems like these words spoke to me softly. It turns out that I’m weary because my mind was hovering somewhere. I was waist-deep in unnecessary thought. Because of this, I put my energy into something I shouldn’t have, which ultimately become wasted, making me less energetic and unproductive. This means if I could find a way to eliminate these thoughts, I would have more energy to do something positive. And according to the aphorism, practicing mindfulness could help.

     However, the term “mindfulness” was still vague to me at that moment. And upon searching for the description, I found out that it means being in the present and focusing on what we have to do now. One interesting thing however, is the trend for this word is rising, meaning the word has been frequently mentioned in the past few years.

     This means that I’m not the only one trying to be mindful. Then I realise that we are currently living in a competitive society where everyone is expected to be perfect. Young or old, defects seem unacceptable. We even reached a point where we have to convince ourselves to move all the mountains along the way in order to accept who we are. We strive to be the best version of ourselves without realising that sometimes, even our lowest bar is too high for us to reach. This resulted in us constantly thinking about our appearance, achievement, grades; Which in the end, got us worrying about the future or regretting what’s behind. We are not being present, and that drains us from within.

     The graph shows that many people need to practice mindfulness. Because after all, we are our own source of weary. All those wandering thoughts are consuming our energy. “A mind free of wandering thoughts develops inner strength.” Develop means becoming mature. This means that we already have that strength within ourselves; We just haven’t put that strength in the right place because our mind is not mature enough to be in the present. This aphorism is meaningful to me because it teaches me that being in peace means living in the present, being mindful, and enjoying the process.

     This goes along with Lao Zi’s eternal words:

“If you are depressed, you are living in the past.
If you are anxious, you are living in the future.
But if you are in peace, you are living in the present!”

【第十屆】110學年度靜思語與我的生命故事徵文比賽_佳作_醫技系二年級_黃慧莉_The values of true happiness in life.

     I used to have a thought that money can buy everything and acquire every single object in this

world. I admitted that there were some reasons why I had such a fixed mindset like this. I grew

up in an economic hardships family. I witnessed how hard my parents work to endeavor our

family daily expenses and allowance. My parents and I had never lived in a proper house. In

every dining reunion with friends and colleagues, a lot of people would underestimate my family

existence just because of the financial aspects. No matter how diligent we worked hard for better

days in our life, there would always be someone who looked down on us. This made us become

more and more idolized every single penny that we owned.

     We thought that money could buy prestige, self-esteem and life values. However, turned out

everything that we assumed was wrong. Master Cheng Yen once stated in the Jing Si Aphorism

that “擁有物質而心靈空虛,是富中之貧。懂得物質之外,用真誠的愛,真摯的情去付出,

才是富中之富” (One who has material wealth but an empty soul is the “poor” amongst the

“rich”. To give with sincere love and affection is the “richest” among the “rich”). Our family was

indeed amazed with this statement. It progressively changed our fixed mindset into growth

mindset that we shouldn’t have a huge possessive with money and materials related. Apparently,

happiness isn’t always comes from money. We can live our best life if we aren’t focusing on

what we have, but on what we can give to those who in needs.

     We used to think that the more money we save, the richer we can be in the future. However, the

insights from the Jing Si Aphorism had opened our wisdom that the true wealth comes from our

heart and deeds not from the amount of materials that we owned. By donating and giving our

sincerity to those who in needs will reap the greatest harvest in life.

     Starting from that day, no matter how difficult our financial condition, we always try our best to

help other people who needs our assistance. Types of assistance that we can offer doesn’t always

have to be in the form of money, but it may also be in the form of empathy, compassion and

affection. As what matter most in this life is the value and merit of the positive soul that we can

vibrate to the people around us.

     After practicing “take less and give more” in our family daily life, we realized that the happiness

that we are looking for is not longer come from fortune and wealth, but turns out it comes from

the smile draws in the face of people that we had helped.

     美滿的人生,不在物質,權勢,名利及地位,而在人與人之間的關愛與情誼 ( A fulfilling

life is not preoccupied with material objects, prestige, or power. It is a life that is filled with true

friendships, sharing, and caring for each other ) – Jing Si Aphorism.


































   “小妹,你大學也快畢業了,這幾年下來,你覺得有什麼特別的收穫嗎?” 我思索了片刻,便把一些專業相關的知識內容解釋給了他們聽;結果當然是換來他們有聽沒有懂的表情。於是我決定化繁為簡,簡單地說了一些在與同學共事中所感悟到的心得。媽媽聽完只留下了讓我印象非常深刻的一段話:“有學到東西是最重要的,爸爸媽媽沒有上過大學,很多時候可能你遇到什麼問題我們也沒有辦法很好地引導你,因為我們沒有經驗。但看到你現在這一面,媽媽覺得你真的有長大。 ” 這段話猶如醍醐灌頂,讓我回想起了很久以前還在慈少班時學過的道理:『一個缺口的杯子,如果換個角度去看它,它仍然是圓的。 』即使每次打回家都會帶著些許的情緒,但我的媽媽從來不會用這些片刻來定義我的為人;同樣的道理,我又憑什麼輕易地對同學貼上標籤呢?爸媽的教育態度讓我明白,每個人都是需要被理解的;在不了解背後的理由亦或他人的苦衷之前,我們都不應該妄下定論,造成別人的傷害。

