2023年6月1日 星期四


  “Filial piety to parents should not have the mentality of calculating time, and supporting parents should not have the mentality of weighing material things.”

“I hope someday you will succeed and live happily” This might be one of the ultimate hopes that frequently uttered by every parent in this world to their children. Like what my parents did, they always give their best contribution and sacrifices just for the sake of my happiness. They always prioritize my needs and satisfaction above all things. Nevertheless, sometimes we are just too busy growing up and forgetting that we also have parents who are also growing old.

Back then, I always think that by having great academic performances and success in career life are the greatest form of happiness that I could give to my parents. That is also the reason why I didn’t return to Indonesia for almost 3 years as I always prefer to substitute my summer and winter vacation with having a part time job rather than going back home and reunited with my family. I used to think that “reunited with parents” is something that can be postponed assuming that there are still many opportunities and time in the future.

However, it all just hits me into a different perspective when I finally came back to my hometown during this Chinese New Year 2023. What a painful reality that my father passed away 5 days after my return to Indonesia. I was so devastated and feeling desperately hopeless. Exactly one day before my father passed away, I talked to him for an hour and I made a promise with him that I will take care of him and granted his wishes so that he can live his dreamlife happily. Nevertheless, the next day the universe had stopped me to accomplish those promises. I had to lost a person who raised me up with all of his love until who I am today. I had to lost a person who always turning my tears into comfort and to laughter. I had to lost a person who always taught me wisdom and guide me all the way throughout every milestone in life. It was indeed the most painful reality that I had to accept. 

“Filial piety to parents should not have the mentality of calculating time, and supporting parents should not have the mentality of weighing material things.”

This is one of the Jingsi Aphorism from Master Cheng Yen that had awaken me up. It has a very deep meaning to me and fully relate to my life story. In this context, what I had learned is that we had to make sure that we always make an utmost effort to spend time with our parents while we can, because one day when we look up from our busy life, they won’t be in this world anymore. Every single passing day is moving and never forget our parent dedication because the merits of both can never be replaced by the multitude of our treasure.

“Every single day is like a blank page of our life. Every person we meet, every event we participate in is a lively assay- Jingsi Aphorism.” Here is my life story that I sincerely want to share to all the readers. Be thankful if you still have time to love your parents, to hold their hand and to pour out your heart to be with them. Love your parents, console them when they are worried or sad, and always prioritize their needs above all things as the have loved you through all the life. Make today count. It comes only once in a lifetime. Make good use of time and cherish what we have, treat one another with love, respect and gratitude.


















 7.8 Billion Beacons of Hope

   As a kid, I loved watching SpongeBob. One episode that I found entertaining was when SpongeBob accidentally boarded the wrong bus and found himself stuck in a deep-sea zone called the Rock Bottom. The deep sea, as we know, is a very dark and frightening place to be in. The story continues as SpongeBob struggles to make his way back to the surface.

           Going to university in Taiwan and studying in medical college was probably my biggest gamble. As I got into a new environment, far from the comforts of home, I must force myself to adjust. Reciting and translating what my teacher said in Chinese during the class took up hours and days of my time. It eventually became my routine to catch up with everyone. This responsibility slowly traps me and forces itself to become my utmost priority. Consequently, I missed out on many social events, sacrificed fun time out with my friends, and even led the loss of some friendships. I also lost sleep hours, which might also pose risk to my health. It eventually got me to a moment where I begin to ask myself: “Am I really happy this way? Is it even worth the sacrifice? What am I seeking? Or should I just give up and find an easier route to take?” Without me knowing, I also boarded the wrong bus just like SpongeBob, and soon enough, I’m also stuck at Rock Bottom!

           However, the funny thing is, just like SpongeBob, although I’m stranded down there, I also keep on trying to get back up. Despite not knowing the answers to all of my doubts, I somehow still keep on going up until this day…. But why?

“Life is filled with pain and sufferings but also with hope and love.”

           If we look closer, this Jing Si aphorism is trying to convey a powerful message that hope is not scattered around life. But instead, by using the word “filled,” the aphorism is trying to tell us that hope is enclosed within each life itself! This means, every life, like yours and mine, are thoughtful hopes and prayers, echoed by the past and present for the future of humankind. These are the hope that someone… someday… will find the cure for cancer, start a world-changing charity work, end world hunger, stop further wars, advocate peace and equality, or create a greener world and bring about better days. Every hope is carried by us! 

           There are 7.8 billion beacons of hope including you and me who convince humanity, that despite mishaps and hindrances, regardless of difficulty and setback, or the unknown part of our journey that is yet to be written, the future is a railroad with a destination. Hence, every life serves a purpose! 

           As I am writing this essay, I also reflect on my life. The aphorism reminded me that my life too, is a hope and that’s why I shouldn’t give up. It is the hope I can be a compassionate medical worker and help others that become the reason to my perseverance. Thus, when we are going through challenges and giving up seems like an option to take, may we always be reminded that we are carrying a ray of hope in our lives! May the honor of being a hope carrier strengthen us always! And who knows? Maybe SpongeBob's desire, and his hope to continue entertaining us is what gave him the strength to get back up to Bikini Bottom! 

The aphorism also correlates with what Stephen Hawking once said: 

That “when there is life, there is hope!”



2010年在門外等候參加慈青活動的女兒,突聞場內慈青分享「付出無所求」這句靜思語,覺得非常契合慈濟志工的心境;時值一家三口移民加拿大的第二年,生平第一次接觸慈濟,開始參與志工及聽聞善法的行列;一切就從  證嚴法師:「甘願做歡喜受,付出無所求」這句話,開始了入人群求真理的感恩學習之路。

    從積極攝受 證嚴法師的晨語開示開始;讓自己從一個不知六道為何,不懂佛教義理的人,逐漸了解「付出無所求」其實是佛教「三輪體空」的具體表現。在做慈濟事的過程中,發現真心誠意,事事以身作則,不論做事、幫助、服務他人,必能得到他人的信任及支持;而這也是「誠心誓願度眾生」的最佳實踐。
















