2024年6月6日 星期四


 Jingsi Aphorism and My Life Stories

Life is a tapestry woven with threads of joy, sorrow, and the unspoken promises we make to one another. Among those promises, there was one that remained etched in my heart, a vow that my grandfather made to witness my graduation as medical laboratorist in Taiwan this year. However, fate had its own plans, snatching him passed away last month before he could fulfill that promise. As I reflect on his life and the legacy he left behind, I realize that his absence at my graduation symbolizes more than just a missed event, it represents the enduring impact he had on my life.

When the opportunity arose for me to pursue my studies abroad in Taiwan, my grandpa was the first to cheer me on. He saw it as a chance for me to spread my wings and embark on a new chapter of my life. And though it meant being separated by thousands of miles, he promised to be there for me, no matter what. Exactly last year, my father passed away. Thus, my grandpa made a promise with me that he will stand in as a substitute father and watch me graduate from my bachelor degree.

But all hopes had lost, just months before my graduation, my grandfather fell ill, his health deteriorating rapidly. As the days passed, hope waned, and the realization dawned upon me that he might not be able to fulfill his promise. The news of his passing hit me like a tidal wave, leaving me adrift in a sea of grief and disbelief. In those dark moments, I found myself grappling with an unstable emotion—grief, anger, and an overwhelming sense of loss. I kept thinking on how could life be so cruel, robbing me of yet another father figure when I needed him the most? It felt as though the universe was conspiring against me, tearing away those I held closest to my heart.

However, by reading to Master Cheng Yen Aphorism (Chapter. 407) about “Life and death without attachment” that stated:

人生有生必有死因緣生則聚,因緣滅則散生命的開始與結束不過是因緣的生滅現象。唯有透徹無常虛幻的生命把握當下造福社會人群才能顯現生命的價值與意義。如此生命將盡之時就能心安理得 瀟灑自在。

“In life, birth is inevitably followed by death. Causes and conditions gather to give rise, and disperse to cease. The beginning and end of life are merely phenomena of arising and passing away due to causes and conditions. Only by fully understanding the impermanent and illusory nature of life, seizing the present moment, and benefiting society and humanity, can the value and meaning of life be revealed. In this way, when the end of life approaches, one can be at peace and gracefully let go”.

The powerful quotes from Master Cheng Yen in Jingsi Aphorism reminds me that life is impermanent. Accepting the loss of our beloved ones is perhaps one of the most challenging aspects of the human experience. Eventhough the pain of loss may be inevitable, suffering is still a choice. We have the power to choose how we respond to the pains and suffers. Most importantly, accepting the loss of our beloved ones invites us to embrace the preciousness of life itself—to cherish each moment, each connection, and each experience as a gift to be treasured. It is a reminder that while our time with those we love may be limited, the love we share transcends the boundaries of time and space, leaving an indelible mark on our hearts.

I finally found the strength to let go of my pain and embrace the future with renewed purpose and determination. My grandfather may no longer be with me in the physical sense, but his presence lives on in the memories we shared and the lessons he taught. And as I continue on my journey through life, I carry his spirit with me—a guiding light that illuminates my path and fills my heart with love.

I am grateful for the wisdom found within the pages of Jingsi Aphorisms—for its teachings have helped me find peace in the midst of sorrow and rediscover the beauty of life's journey. And though the road ahead may be long and filled with challenges, I walk it with a renewed sense of purpose, knowing that my grandfather's love will be with me every step of the way. I will definitely make him proud of me with my dedication to be a better person in life, knowing that his love and encouragement are always with me.
















【第十二屆】112學年度靜思語與我的生命故事徵文比賽_第三名_外語系三年級 姚又方














 A Page: Embracing Life’s Canvas

         How long have you had a genuine smile on your face?

         In ancient days, I found myself navigating life with a shadow of negativity trailing behind me. When life's currents didn't flow in my favor, my response often gravitated towards murmurs of discontent. However, during my internship, the tides shifted last summer with warm-hearted souls' gentle arrival.

         I used to perceive the Tzu Chi foundation from an outsider's perspective, but last summer, I had the privilege of becoming part of Tzu Chi as an intern. I joined the news department of Da Ai Television. Amidst the bustling news office, they always greeted others with childlike smiles, approached events with endless curiosity from various angles, and enthusiastically tackled daily news content. To me, every Tzu Chi staff is as actual as the colors of life. They serve others wholeheartedly, embodying the essence of compassion and kindness. Every interaction is filled with sincerity and warmth, from their gentle smiles to meticulous guidance. Their sincere commitment to making a positive difference in the world and spreading truth, goodness, and beauty through the news has profoundly impacted me, reminding me of how beautiful selfless acts of service can be. Because of them, I have learned the importance of living with compassion and integrity, and I am forever grateful for the invaluable lessons they have taught me.

         "Every single day is like a blank page of our life; every person we meet and every event we encounter is a vivid essay," one of the Jing Si Aphorisms from Master Cheng Yen. It is a reminder that even during our busyness, we need to remember to keep a child's heart and experience the colorfulness and beauty of life. No matter the trials we face, an opportunity resides within every challenge. The world presents an expansive canvas of experiences, waiting to be intricately woven into the fabric of our existence. Each day unfolds as a blank canvas, brimming with the promise of new adventures and discoveries.

         Looking back on that summer internship, I am grateful for the lessons I learned and the person I have become. I no longer allow negativity to dictate my outlook on life. Instead, I see each day as a blank page waiting to be filled with the vibrant colors of my experiences. With every stroke of love and creativity, I am excited to continue writing my story, inspired by the compassionate spirit of Tzu Chi. The warmth and teachings of the Tzu Chi community and Da Ai News's unique beauty have left an indelible mark on me. Their dedication to service and commitment to spreading love and positivity have forever changed how I view the world.




















